I know its been like a year since I have written anything here (though I have been very active on social media) it's been a long time since you have heard from me.
Last year, as you likely know, I was in the mode of writing poetry more so than articles.
I believe its important to go with the flow and not fight the content when you're blogging authentically.
I feel like authenticity is something that a lot of people really care about right now which is awesome, because so do I.
So then, in the name of authenticity, I need to be real with you.
I have been going through a lot this past year, I've now moved out of London, ended a relationship and I've been setting up my life back home in wondaful, wild, Wales.
Thing is real talk, I could do with some accountability.
See I've been home for almost 6 months and I'm so far from where I want to be.
I turn 33 this month, so I've set myself 33 goals to get done by the end of the month.
I don't recommend smashing it too often , like I'm about to but something stuff just needs to get done no question.
I also think this will be a great way to reconnect with my amazingly loyal audience.
Thank you for sticking with me this far, hopefully the content I have planned will serve you well.
That's about it for today.