How To Honer The Ultimate Ancestor
How To Survive A Witch Attack.
How to survive a witch attack
If you are unlucky enough to be singled out by a witch, its not easy to shake off their attacks. Witches are sneaky, experts at gas lighting and very precise in their craft.
That said, other then the obvious rebuking the attack in Jesus name, their are a few things you can do.
Firstly don't be isolated, it makes you an easy target.
Secondly, identify what the witches end goal is. Are they looking to kill you? Drive you mad? What exactly is the witch going for that is attacking you?
I've had witches attack this blog, their goal was to get me to shut up.
Not happening.
Once you know what the witch is going for, identify their territory's. It might be possible to physically move out of their space. It might be necessity.
Running is not weakness, but at the same time don't be chased out of a space in which you are fulfilled.
Stay grounded, protect your emotional regulation because you may need to make some firm decisions to deal with this, and its best to do that from a sound mind.
Practice self defense but don't fight back unless you know what you are doing.
Letters to life 2 - My Spiritual Awakening Journey
Anyway, to day I thought we'd talk about my spiritual journey. You see i have now expirenced "enlightenment" and I gotta say it's not all it's cracked up to be.
I had the inner peace, sense of zen and connectivness but it has nothing on the peace I experience in Jesus.
I had the "light of many occultic truthes shining on me" but not one of those truthes had anything on the truth found in Jesus.
I have ventured the road less traveled and less recommended and it has taken me to some dark places. That's ok though, the holy spirit was always with me lighting the way. I learnt the secrets of the occult for educational reasons but upon the discovery of frequency I felt no need to engage in ceremonial magik although I read the books. I witnessed the deception first hand.
You life, led me on a winding road, one that ventured into the darkness even when I felt the tugging of Christ on my heart. Had I listened, maybe I'd still be in London. I did not though and I instead found myself flat on my face home in Wales. There are ofcourse other reasons but falling in the dark when holy spirit had gone ahead of me home to Wales , was a big part of my journey.
I have had involvement with several secret societies, but of course they don't exist so what more can I say? Delusion. It's hard to see through the thick fog of spiritual depression but somehow I made it through that. I learnt all about dark enlightenment then the vanilla breed, I learnt the secrets of the light are black. They fall so short of Jesus the genuine article . We've done eastern mystisim and western esoteric teachings. A myrid of religions and schools of thought but nothing has landed so solid as standing right back where I started. Standing on the rock of Christ Jesus.
That is where I am now, right at the begining back to my first love, Jesus Christ.
From here, life we build you up.
With the right foundations in place this time I can't wait.
The Dangers of "Enlightenment" from a Christian Perspective
The Truth About Enlightenment
I'm on my own journey and here's where I'm at ..
The truth about enlightenment is that it is not one size fits all. Some people find enlightenment in their chosen god or goddesses, others find it in the idea we are gods and others still find it in the aha! Moments of understanding enough of the worlds workings to feel satisfied.
The sad truth however is that enlightenment is not the end of the journey it is the begining. When you reach that enlightened state, you realise thà t you know nothing despite knowing things.
My Bloggers Tool Box

The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship by Guy Kawasaki
An Entire MBA in 1 Course: Award Winning Business School Prof ** #1 Best Selling Business Course! ** Everything You Need to Know About Business from Start-up to IPO
Seth Godin's Freelancer Course Become Remarkable, Find Better Clients, and Do Work that matters
Great Books For Savvy Artists.
It doesn't feel right to overload my awesome readers with content after such a heavy post like the last post. Click here if you didn't see it.
So instead of that, we have decided to put out today's post celebrating world book day, then leave posting for a while to give time and space and respect to our loved ones currently grieving.
Hope that's cool with you guys!
Anyway, 's let's get on with it, shall we?
I have decided to put this in 3 sections and there are roughly 12 books in all. Again I remind you pretty much all of these are affiliate links, this means that we may make a little tiny commission if you buy any of the books we suggest, but this will be no extra cost to you. It basically just means we get more jaffa cakes and hot chocolate to keep churning out content to inspire and encourage you guys.
Sound good?
Our First Section Is Life
Ok, guys, the whole point of these books is to help you be a better you. A better you will likely be able to produce better art. Get it?
Quick note, there's nothing wrong with the you, you are now, but we as humans are always moving towards something, it may as well be something better.
Here's the list.
Off-Balance On Purpose - Dan Thurmon I believe that work/life balance is a myth that can interfere with our art. Dan explains what's better to do instead of trying to balance things.
Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life: A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life This book was life-changing for me. If you are fed up of fluffy little self-help books and need something with a few more nuts to chew on. This is your book. Loved it! Still, live by many of the principles in this book.
Calm - Fearne Cotton If you want something a little more gentle then Fearne Cotton has got you covered. All of her books are fab, but this is my favourite.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers This was such a good book that really helped me get over myself so that I could just get on with getting my art up online. It's been one heck of a journey ever since, and I owe that in part to the lessons and simple writing style of the late, great Susan Jeffers.
Our Second Section Is Business
This is my personal favourite section and narrowing this down to just 4 was hard, but here's the best of the best when it comes to business books.Craft a Creative Business: Making & Marketing a Successful Creative Business This is such a good little handbook for all artists wanting to sell their work.
She Means Business: Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur Pretty self-explanatory. Enjoy the surprise.
Small is the New Big - Seth Godin - Seriously if you haven't read any of Seth Godin's books you should! Bonus because I can't not include it Linchpin that book revolutionised my business!
Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar It's been a hot minute but from what I remember, it's pretty good.
Our Final Section Is Art
How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way
How To Draw Stupid And Other Essentials Of Cartooning By Kyle Baker
Manga Martial Arts: Over 50 Basic Lessons For Drawing The World's Most Popular Fighting Style
The Animator's Survival Kit (Paperback) Richard E. Williams
If you like my style of books, please come follow me over on GoodReads
My Tips For Business + Resources (That Totally Work For Blogging)
Happy New Year!
Before I get started, please feel free to read only the sections that apply to you, although you are very welcome to read the whole thing.
If you have any questions please do get in touch, I'm more than happy to help you if I can.
Okay then, let's get started by getting the longest section out-of-the-way!1.Preparation Is Everything.
2.Have A Good Key-Chain.
3.Be True To You
4.Move With The Times.
5.Balance it baby!
6.Don't be Beige.
7.If You Want Customers To Care, Your Customer Care Needs To Be Top Notch
You've heard it before but taking care of your customers should be your number one priority, you wouldn't even have a business without them. Again, this comes into the business integrity issue, but more than that it's about making someone's day and ultimately getting them to keep coming back and tell others about your business and how you gave them such good customer service!
If you look after them, how can they not come back?
8. Be Tigger
Those of you who know me in real life will know that I am the girl who has been knocked down more times than I can count,but I am also the girl who has gotten up more times than most. You have to.
Tigger never ever stops bouncing, you shouldn't either.
You can't predict what is going to happen in life but you are responsible for how you react. Get up and keep going, if you have a dream then make it happen, no one else is going to do it for you and you are the right person for the job.
Business, like life is a roller-coaster, and you do have to learn to roll with the punches, but it is worth it in the long run. If being your own boss is the thing you need to do to be fulfilled in life, then get up and make something awesome happen!
Remember any issue you have in business is likely to already have been experienced by someone else and chances are that someone has written a book or uploaded a video on that very topic. Don't be afraid to reach out, it can create great working relationships and is good for your health, well-being and business.
We are designed to grow, if we stay still too long, we usually wind up falling and looking back. Also, don't neglect your spiritual growth and take some time out just to relax and be at peace.
Don't think you know it all, stay teachable and keep learning, keep growing and make your business awesome, because you can.
You just need to believe that and get to work.
Over the next few months we will be unpacking these tips once every two weeks.
Why so spaced out?
Because I want you to have ample time to apply each tip. Rushing this will only lead to a crash and I don't want that for you, so please do take your time to use these tips as starting point to dive in deeper in each subject.
See you next post!
Love Hayley
How To Do It All (and still be relatively sane)
There is a delicate balance as a blogger, between reading or watching things because it's research for our own blog, and watching and reading things just because we enjoy it.
None of us is perfect so why chase perfection?
It does.
Trust me I am getting to that, but before I give you my tips for managing blogging and life, I first needed to set the scene just so I can give you what I think is the number one most valuable self-loving thing you can do for yourself as a blogger, and indeed a person.
Don't put so much pressure on yourself, take some time every day just for you.
You can't make your blog as awesome as you want to if you don't have the energy to take care of you.
Only then will you be on top of your game to take care of your blog or whatever else you need to do.
1. Remember the three C's
Cut it down!
How does this apply to bloggers?
It is your blog and you want to make it what you want it to be. That is more than fair enough, but if you reach out to other with different skills, and focus on your own strengths you will make some new friends, create a more professional feel on your blog and be less stressed because you have delegated those things you're not so good at to other people.
2. Mix it up!
3. Preparation is everything
Some people schedule their blog posts, others have life management files, others still use calendars, agendas or dairies and then there are those people like me that do all of the above.
Whatever you decide to use to manage your life, make sure you do plan ahead.
Knowing you already handled certain things frees up time to do other things and is an excellent stress killer!
4. See yourself as a whole person and plan accordingly.
Make sure before you take on new tasks that you are mentally, emotionally and physically up to the challenge at hand. If not then don't be afraid to say no.
We've come full circle, it really is super important to take care of you before you worry about all the demands of life.
5. Keep it simple.
The key thing you need to remember when creating a plan to manage your life is how your plan is serving you. A good management plan should be simple, help you be productive and on task to complete your goals and NOT a burden!
There is a big difference between being stretched or challenged and feeling overwhelmed or burdened, but that's a whole other post.