This series just wouldn't be complete without this post.
I've unveiled luciferinism, compared christo-lucifrinisim with biblical Christianity and told you how to escape dark enlightenment.
Yet without being the crazy girl that actually cares about the people in secret societies, and sharing my message to said people, my soul won't let me move on.
If you didn't know, my audience here on Daisy Change is incredibly diverse, and somewhere on the fringes of my subscribers', I have discovered a audience built of illuminati, freemasons, and other secret societies or societies with secrets, and not low level but high level partitioners of the dark arts and occult. I'm honored truly that something in my work sings to your soul.
The thing is that it does slightly create a challenge for me having these individuals read my work, it means that when I write posts that are potent, traditional marketing and business advice just isn't going to fly for me.
We all know how much I hate 'me to blogging' at the best of times, but you have no idea how challenging it is to promote a blog post like the ones I've written for my fringe audience.
Yet my series still found them, evident by the fact that several of this audience have reached out to me.
Today I need to address a question
How do you find hope if you are stuck in a secret society and wish to leave?
Firstly I'm not judging how you got there, maybe you were born to it or maybe life stumbled you into it, either way if you are now feeling trapped in a secret society then my friend I can offer you a little hope.
Phyically leaving a secret society can be dangerous. It takes careful strategic planning and can be a gradual process, that you basically pull away over time, weather or not this is possible depends on the level you are on, but regardless, Jesus Christ can meet you where you are and His blood can break any oath you may have made.
Mentally leaving will require the removal of your means of telepathy if you have had that done. This can be easily achieved by taking anti-psychotic medication that the doctor can subscribe to you. Its a secret but perfectly sane people use anti-psychotics to kill their gh telepathic abilities.
Less then one percent of my audience needs to worry about this, and I now likely look a little more crazy then I did at the start of this series, which is fine. I'm perfectly sane, just been through a lot which is likely why I can relate to my fringe audience so well.
If you are not telepathic, then in the quietness of your own thoughts you can leave a secret society in your heart and it is the heart that matters.
All you have to do is quietly promise yourself that you're leaving, and then let your heart completely disconnect from the outcome of your situation.
This is done by simply looking your eyes in the mirror and taking a breath, promising yourself you will find a way out, even if for the foreseeable you have to fake it.
You can even say to yourself, even if you are in for the rest of your life, you're out in your heart and that's your secret for one. Its quite profound. Don't guilt yourself for being in but out. Its understandable. Its a big decision and not an easy one.
Congratulations you!
Now that you have made that decision feel free to contact me, confidentially ofcourse, I'm more then happy to give you more specific support, I successfully got away you can too. ( I used my genuine mental health concerns to get out and move away) Just tell me rarity rocks and I will know you read this far.