Sort It Out September - Authentic Faith: Why I am a Christian Universalist.

Posted by Hayley Esther on Thursday, September 08, 2022

 For lack of a better way of putting it, coming out as any denomination other than Christian progressive's, is met with ridicule on all sides these days. 

I attend a denominational Church, but I am in fact a Christian Universalist. I'm about to explain it. 

It used to be we could say what form of Christianity we follow and people were pretty respectful. 

Oh how the world has changed. 

Respect is long gone in so many different arenas across the world. 

Change is my specialty, but even I have to painfully sigh at some of the changes the world has gone through. 

Conventional wisdom would have me add images and links through out this post, but since when have I ever done anything the conventional way. 

Yet my life is on track to where I want it to go. Going against the grain can sometimes be the best  thing we can do, and I'm all for unique and authentic individuals expressing that, but at the core of my being, I still believe the message Jesus Christ gave, the gospel of the kingdom is about love and true light. 

I have to word it that way because I'm very aware of the nature of my audience, I know I have a lot of ex Satanists, witches, masons, secret society members reading this. 

To them I would say Christian universalism would be a fantastic fit for those of you looking to Christ, but not sure which group of people you belong with. 

I would be very cautious with progressive's Christians, if you wanna know where the wolves went, that would be their prime target. Progressive Christians are easy targets, they already align with so much of the worlds way of doing things but we are called to be different and to guard the truth carefully. 

In my honest opinion, progressive Christianity is dangerous, especially if you are hurting  or gullible, but pretty much any other group that aligns with the Christian faith can be a good fit for new believers.

I know, I know, not why you're here. 

I'll get to the point. 

Why I am a Christian Universalist

Ok to start, what Christian Universalism means to me is the idea that anyone from any walk of life can come to Jesus, there is no one path to the son, but there is only one path to the Father through the Son. 

I believe literally anyone can repent and choose to live a Christian life, and yes this includes cult members, Satanists, Witches, Masons and Secret Society members. 

Time is short now, really short. 

Jesus would include these people in the building of His church, and there are plenty of testimonies of people from all walks of life finding Christ. 

I believe that all tribes, tongues and nations should work together to build and protect the kingdom of God. 

We are all called to play a role in the body of Christ, and no one role is greater than another. It's all about building to prepare ourselves to meet our king, but also to protect and help the world we are entrusted to take care of while we live here.

We are warned not to get caught up in doctrinal disputes and disagreements in the faith, in the bible. I'm gonna be honest, I can quote scriptural and verse but I am trying to be sensitive here, if I want my work to be translated in certain nations I have no choice but to reword the word. 

I know for a fact that I have non- English speaking readers, so I try to take that into account when I am writing. 

There are plenty of blogs for English speaking people, but my blog is translatable on purpose because I have an international audience.

Every single reader is precious to me, and in a similar way every Christian, every person in the world is precious to God, that really is what it boils down to be a Christian universalist.

I may not agree with everyone's life choices but I am respectful and truly believe anyone can come to Christ.  

That it is our job to take care of one another the way that Christ instructed His Church.

If we can bring the respect back across the world, it would be a better place and I for one believe the church should be leading the way.

That's it for now. 

Posted by Hayley Esther on Saturday, September 03, 2022

Introducing Sort It Out September.

Posted by Hayley Esther on Saturday, September 03, 2022
Hey guys and girls.

I know its been like a year since I have written anything here (though I have been very active on social media) it's been a long time since you have heard from me. 

Last year, as you likely know, I was in the mode of writing poetry more so than articles. 

I believe its important to go with the flow and not fight the content when you're blogging authentically.

I feel like authenticity is something that a lot of people really care about right now which is awesome, because so do I. 

So then, in the name of authenticity, I need to be real with you.

I have been going through a lot this past year, I've now moved out of London, ended a relationship and I've been setting up my life back home in wondaful, wild, Wales. 

Thing is real talk, I could do with some accountability. 

See I've been home for almost 6 months and I'm so far from where I want to be

I turn 33 this month, so I've set myself 33 goals to get done by the end of the month.

I don't recommend smashing it too often , like  I'm about to but something stuff just needs to get done no question. 

I also think this will be a great way to reconnect with my amazingly loyal audience. 

Thank you for sticking with me this far, hopefully the content I have planned will serve you well.

That's about it for  today. 

Letters To Life - Canceling Shocktober because Cap Still Rocks.

Posted by Hayley Esther on Sunday, October 03, 2021

Dear life,

It's been a while since I have written to you, but honestly you have been teaching me so many lessons in recent years, I thought it was about time I write to you.

So then, let's skip the small talk and get straight down to it. 

Emotions don't get to speak when my morals have already spoken.

I am a woman of my word. 

I will stand by that for the rest of my life.

 I'm honestly not impressed with the narratives and choices you have presented me with about what my life is suppose to be and how things really work... or maybe I am. 

You will never know, because I was right before, giving up my voice was the best choice I ever made, I was so right it is much better than having it stolen.

Should have stuck to my guns. Lesson learnt.

Also thanks again for reminding me why I spent so many years guarding my heart.

I know in recent months I forgot certain important truths but right on cue, you gave me lemons and woke me up.

I was lost, but now I am found where I fell and just in time for the anniversary of the most important commitment I ever made.

As you know, ten years ago today I got baptised and rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.

This came after stupid teenage drama that I am sorry to say, I was stupid enough to repeat in recent years.

So juvenile and so not the person I want to be.

Who I am most defiantly hates who I have been.

For reasons we both know I no longer give a damn about, I lost myself in wonderland, or maybe I chose to fall down the rabbit hole this time for reasons again, you will never know.

I will tell you this,

I had the best of intentions, but despite that, got completely deluded while chasing ghosts, when I should have been relying whole heartily on the only thing to never let me down.

I'm not stupid enough to state what it is. Everyone has their thing, I can pretty much guarantee this is a secret I will keep forever.


Actions speak louder than words. Fruits reveal our roots.

You will see by the way I choose to live moving forward where I eventually landed after all of your lessons up to this point.

What I will state once again because it remains as true as the day I said it is that Captain America still rocks.

Click here to find out why.

This post was a younger far more naïve me, but even so I stand by the message of this post.

For the past X number of years authenticity has been incredibly important to me, but honestly I intentionally built change in to my blog because the authentic me doesn't want you to see her, but sometimes she does.

Change is my first love.

Only those closest to me know the real me, and honestly that girl doesn't have any attachment to this day, even though she really thought she would.

My faith, if I even have any at this point, is never going to show up in my public work again.

As far as anyone knows, I'm allegedly a Christian but honestly at this point, I could be an atheist, a witch or something else unexpected.

Again you will never know.

I believe what I believe and I choose to keep whatever faith/religion/spirituality I have out of my work, so no more need be said.

Whatever I have or haven't done, its all valid. I have no regrets.

Life you are kind of amazing at teaching unexpected lessons at every turn. Sometimes you can be a little tough, but I am grateful to be where I am.

Its surprising how you do things sometimes, but just a note on something that did happen back in two thousand and eleven. 

That was connected to said baptism because my baptism was a repentance. I was so religious back then.

I only have one statement from that time because I need to make this perfectly clear once and for all.

I dodged a bullet, because you sent me an angel in disguise. 

Bringing this full circle when people get baptised they die with Christ.

Thing is though, death really isn't the end and it's honestly nothing romantic or fun about being dead.

Its the raised out of the water to abundant life that is suppose to be the selling point of baptism.

People can change their minds though.

I was baptised ten years ago today but only I know if I actually meant what I did.

Joy is the lifestyle, not just the love style and beyond that I really don't have anything else to say. 

The past is the past, I can do nothing about it good or bad.

I'm honestly over it.

All of it.

I have people and things in my life that do make me smile, and I rather cherish whatever time I have left in this life, rather than dwell on dead daisies.

Life goes on.

It's time to walk it off. 

Thanks for the lessons life, I'm not sure I ever intend to publicly write to you again, but I guess I should thank you for doing right by me even when I didn't understand it. 

Sometimes your most painful lessons are blessings in disguise and sometimes said blessings are hidden in bitter sweet celebrations, which is what today is for me. 

Even if I am not a woman of faith now, I am glad of the experience and sincerely grateful to be where I am right now.  

Maybe this is just a refusal of the call, only time will tell but honestly I'm content, everything happened exactly as it was suppose to. 

You knew best. I feel like this wasn't my best letter but honestly I need to draw a very clear line here and move on. 

Guess it is true what they say, the truth really does set us free. 

Enough said. 

Authentic Faith - Shocktober It is then.. (Quick Update)

Posted by Hayley Esther on Friday, September 03, 2021

Hey guys,

I've given this a lot of thought and I know I said in my last post I would likely be back here regularly in September, but to be completely honest I've been working on a top secret month long project and I feel like my focus really should be on that project. 

I've never been a huge fan of Halloween, in fact as a teenager I would actively dress in "normal clothes" on Halloween because that was my protest.  (I was a goth the rest of the year)

With that said, October is a very special month for me and this one more so than most because ten years ago in October I made a life altering decision that I think I'm ready to break my silence on..

For a lack of a better way of putting it, it's time to come out of the broom closet. (It's not what it sounds like you will see)

You see I'm pretty set on the direction of this blog, and indeed the direction of all my projects connected to it. 

The one thing I have to do before I can pull the trigger and go all in with the divine plan that I believe God has given me for this blog, I have to lay the ground work. 

I'm basically done with the pastel thing, this is going to be big change, but honestly I always knew that it could be a possibility I may want to  rebrand over time. 

I guess we are there now. 

Anyway that's about it for now.

Catch you next time! 


Authentic Faith: Back From The Dead But Not Back Yet...(Taking A Break for Summer To Rebrand)

Posted by Hayley Esther on Thursday, July 29, 2021

Hey guys, its been a hot minute since I've even been myself in person, let alone online! 😒

I know that isn't really something one is suppose to admit but alas turns out I really don't care about how I am perceived. 😎

I am what I am, but always in Gods plan. 

Anyway, I don't know about you, but I'm so done being depressed and pandering to the whims of this pandemic the world is facing right now. 

You may think I'm talking about Covid..


I'm talking about the pink elephant in the room over there eating peanut cookies. (and Lambi's Jaffacakes, she isn't amused.)

I'm talking about the pandemic of the pain of being stuck on stuck. 

That is what it is, none of us can change what has happened. We just have to move forward now, but that's hard when we are so unsure if things are going to ever get back to normal. 

We all know that alot of pain in a lot of difference areas has been experienced by people all over the world. 

The big thing that unites us however, is that we are all in many ways stuck in between limbo, start and no. 

The world has never been so collectively stuck with uncertain timetables because we have to be.

The thing is though, although it doesn't feel like it, this is only a season. 

This too shall pass.

The world will be built back better, because nothing is ever wasted with God. Nothing. 

Rest in that. 

Before the pandemic, I built my career on being the authority on the art of change management. 

The fact of the matter is though, few of us have ever experienced a change quite like the dominos currently falling one after another leaving our whole world in a pretty big mess that is Covid. 

It's bigger than any of us, and so the content that comes out from me in regards how we navigate this change, (because, yes my friend I am still aiming to be the worlds expert on the topic of change so I can help you get back to your art) needs to be authentically awesome, full of life and actually work! 

It is for this reason, that I have decided to tell you what has been going on with me, and then to talk a massive step back over Summer while I figure out the direction I want to take this blog.

After all, I live to firstly worship and glorify God with my work and secondly to bring joy to the world through the many methods of dealing with change that I have learnt through the challenges life has presented me.

Hayley does NOT do hypocrisy

I think there is a big difference between arrogance and confidence and so let me clear, I see it as a privilege to serve you, but I am confident through Christ that this is my calling. 

That said, let me just briefly tell you how the current world situation has impacted me. 

We are switching directions now

I have to be clear about what happened, because accountability to not go there again is so important. 

So then, I admit it guys I'm a bit of a prodigal daughter. I have been grappling for so long now with some of the darker undertones in my sinful flesh nature. 

See, I have had this dark secret for quite some time now, truth is once up on a decade ago, I fell in love with the devil. 

Not exactly what a good Christian girl is suppose to do, but it's my reality, it is my past and I need to own it now, because here and now, and forever more I choose Jesus. 

First, last always. 

Anyway back to my story...

Satan always knows our door, and as much I hate to admit it, mine was a boy or rather the dark world of all things occult and outrageous he introduced me to. 

I've always had a wild strike in me, this is where it was truly awakened.

It's taken this long to lock the monster in the missionary in the abyss of my soul. Its safe with Jesus where the beast can no longer rise and lead me to the kind of devastation that was the results of even touching that poison apple. 

See truth is, we all have a dark side and it's not something we can just pray away, we have to be honest about where we are and Jesus can take it. 

He actually wants our crazy, because it's only when we are truly honest about ourselves that we can begin the sanctification journey to be saved from ourselves. 

So for the past while, I have been going through that process of sanctification, and finally now feel confident enough to say that I'm healed enough to get back to work. 

You really can't speak in  to issues surrounding what you haven't yourself conquered. 

It has been a brutal battle to get my brain back. My demons are beat, my pride is pretty much hanging by a thread but at long last, I'm ready to get started with the next chapter of my life. 

I officially surrender to the call. 

 I have to make it really clear here and now, that kind of depression, confusion, and just sense of formlessness is never and I mean NEVER taking me down again. 

I have eyes only for Jesus now. He is my everything.

Not to be dramatic, but I live and die for him only.   

Once I've written it publically, I have this thing in me that takes that as accountability to step and do what must be done. What Jesus would have me do. 

Emotions don't get to speak when my morals have already spoken. 

So then, truth time.

I am a melancholic, goth at heart with a very, very big heart for Jesus and  people, and a need to be authentically joyful despite my darker side. 

For the longest time, I struggled to marry together my gothic side with my joyful, fun and free spirit. 

So for the past how ever long its been, that is what I have been working on. 

It required a lot of self reflection and refinement but finally I have reached a state of rest and serenity with it all. 

 Now my next step is to write some lovely content for you lot!! 

Haha in all seriousness, it is the Summer, I have so much work to do and school is out, so I think for now, I'm going to have to love you and leave you. 

This post was a bit of a different one, I literally only wrote it for the people that were following my work pre-pandemic. 

You will notice I only currently have two blog posts published. 

That is by design.

I think both posts perfectly sum up where my heart and head is at right now.

I have to tell you, it's so good to be back! 

I am so excited to get started on what I am sure will be a very bright future for all of us despite the darkness out there. 

Hope is rising. 

People can't steal your light unless you let them, and so for me it's time to shine bright.

Right that's about it I think. I'm off to rescue some Jaffa cakes for Lambi! 

Catch you in September,

Authentic Faith - Giving Glory To God.

Posted by Hayley Esther on Tuesday, July 06, 2021

 Potent Poetry

This post has been a long time coming, only I didn't know it.

I'm a woman of faith, its time to show it.

Sure I could do more actions to back words I have preached my whole life,

But the truth is, following Jesus shouldn't cut like a knife.

I know this is highly odd and out of the blue,

but old actions don't make the world new. 

A journey that has literally been thorns and stones. 

Still at long last, in my heart I am coming home.

I choose you Jesus, no words needed you already paid the price. 

Even if it costs me my life, right is right. 

I need to be rescued from this dark light.

This black, red and white pony show must end tonight.

I give you all the glory, and all of the praise.

I choose to live for you, for all of my days.

So then enough dagger and cloak.

Fear shut up, this is no time to croak..

Sometimes faith requires reason take the back seat. 

See I'm extremely calculated, but still I choose to live on my knees.

All for the sake of my king, Father have your way please.

You hold the pen that scripted my life, and how beautiful is this love story.

So to you dear Jesus, I give all the glory. 

- Hayley Esther 2021 

I could give this much more explanation then I'm going to, but simply put, I need to be clear about priorities before getting back to working on this blog the way I want to. 

Let's just say the pandemic has left its mark on me and I'm not exactly sure its clear where my allegiance lies. 

With that in mind, this is my very public declaration that I do now, and forever will belong to God most high. 

Life has taken some strange turns these past few years, but at the core of my heart, I'm still a believer.

I'm so not feeling like myself right now, and honestly this blog is so far from ready for publishing, but I feel like its well over due for me to put my stake in the ground. There are so many reasons why I should wait until this blog is where I want it to be, but sometimes it is necessary to take a stand for where you stand. 

That's literally all this is, I definitely have much better content planned in time but right now I've said what I came to say. 

From here on on,  Jesus have your way