From Polished to Persecuted - Our new direction
Having reviewed my stats I can see that most of you following this blog are not OG.
So when I refer back to posts I've done, its your first time reading them.
This is freeing because it means I can move on from the last era of blogging and bring you fresh new content that is designed for the audience I now have.
This blog aims to serve, we have had several topic shifts in the past and im happy to shift again.
What I need to know is what do you want?
I'm looking at my audience and I have some idea of what you need but to do this im going to have to shift again.
See, most of you live in eastern countries and I am a westerner. I can and have written content for the east but im very aware that you need different things then we do in the west.
In order to serve the audience I now have, I think we need to take things back to where Daisy Change originally started , mental health and faith, Christian faith.
Not the shiny packaged faith of contempery christianity, but the grittier real soulwrenching faith that is going to get you through what you are facing.
I know that most of you reading this are in a situation where you don't have the luxury of being out and proud about your faith in Jesus. You are facing some very real dangers.
I want to be sensitive to that audience, so from now on we build you up so you can face the day.
To the persecuted church reading this, thank you for trusting me. I will work hard to ensure the posts going forward are sensitive to your needs.
To any westerners reading this, the content will still be for you, but with that sensitive slant on it for our persecuted brothers and sisters in eastern countries.
We're going back to authentic faith.
Let's go!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ for Iran
How To Honer The Ultimate Ancestor
How To Survive A Witch Attack.
How to survive a witch attack
If you are unlucky enough to be singled out by a witch, its not easy to shake off their attacks. Witches are sneaky, experts at gas lighting and very precise in their craft.
That said, other then the obvious rebuking the attack in Jesus name, their are a few things you can do.
Firstly don't be isolated, it makes you an easy target.
Secondly, identify what the witches end goal is. Are they looking to kill you? Drive you mad? What exactly is the witch going for that is attacking you?
I've had witches attack this blog, their goal was to get me to shut up.
Not happening.
Once you know what the witch is going for, identify their territory's. It might be possible to physically move out of their space. It might be necessity.
Running is not weakness, but at the same time don't be chased out of a space in which you are fulfilled.
Stay grounded, protect your emotional regulation because you may need to make some firm decisions to deal with this, and its best to do that from a sound mind.
Practice self defense but don't fight back unless you know what you are doing.
Letters to life 2 - My Spiritual Awakening Journey
Anyway, to day I thought we'd talk about my spiritual journey. You see i have now expirenced "enlightenment" and I gotta say it's not all it's cracked up to be.
I had the inner peace, sense of zen and connectivness but it has nothing on the peace I experience in Jesus.
I had the "light of many occultic truthes shining on me" but not one of those truthes had anything on the truth found in Jesus.
I have ventured the road less traveled and less recommended and it has taken me to some dark places. That's ok though, the holy spirit was always with me lighting the way. I learnt the secrets of the occult for educational reasons but upon the discovery of frequency I felt no need to engage in ceremonial magik although I read the books. I witnessed the deception first hand.
You life, led me on a winding road, one that ventured into the darkness even when I felt the tugging of Christ on my heart. Had I listened, maybe I'd still be in London. I did not though and I instead found myself flat on my face home in Wales. There are ofcourse other reasons but falling in the dark when holy spirit had gone ahead of me home to Wales , was a big part of my journey.
I have had involvement with several secret societies, but of course they don't exist so what more can I say? Delusion. It's hard to see through the thick fog of spiritual depression but somehow I made it through that. I learnt all about dark enlightenment then the vanilla breed, I learnt the secrets of the light are black. They fall so short of Jesus the genuine article . We've done eastern mystisim and western esoteric teachings. A myrid of religions and schools of thought but nothing has landed so solid as standing right back where I started. Standing on the rock of Christ Jesus.
That is where I am now, right at the begining back to my first love, Jesus Christ.
From here, life we build you up.
With the right foundations in place this time I can't wait.