A message to my silent fans.

Posted by Hayley Esther on Thursday, November 23, 2023
Ok so this isn't the kind of post I usually write but it is a needed one.
See I have decided to sit with the fact that Daisy Change over the years has become more of a ministry then a business, and that's fine.

With that though comes the fact that you the silent readers are looking to connect to God not me. 
You read my posts, maybe like them .but mostly I have to rely on my stats to see what has been going on.

I just wanted to say hello to you and to thank you for reading my work. 

I know that the nature of my work is that people from fringe lifestyles are reading and I know you can't be seen to be reading this so you're doing it in private, maybe with a torch under a blanket. Simply because people just don't talk about the things I do in polite society. 

I think that its time I tell you that it is a honor and a privilege to serve your authentic faith journey. 

The thing is, because I know my content is getting views and I can see that its impacting you even if only in a small way, I've decided to embrace the fact you wish to follow along silently.

I really get it, I have readers that have to keep their identities private because of their work or for their safety. 

Just know I appreciate you. 

With that in mind, I know that pretty pictures work for some blogs but for the kind of content I'm writing its hard to capture the essence of the post in a picture, and anyway they are annoying for people who just want to read the post. We may occasionally post a pretty picture along side the article, but for the most part  because of the nature of the kind of readers I know I have, I'm going to try to not use pictures because I know they are getting in the way. 

Also, since this is a ministry not a business, I think its appropriate to deep dive on some more fringe topics that will likely help you my silent readers. 

I am so honored to have you all here. 

I know my work is also being translated, and thats awesome! 

From the bottom of my heart thank you for your presence. 

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.

Have a great day.

The Art Of Righteous Risk

Posted by Hayley Esther on Tuesday, October 10, 2023

 The Art Of Righteous Risk by Hayley Esther 

I temperately retreated to the secret place.

To make sure that for the task ahead I have the grace. 

Now that I am sure that I am destined to fight in this war.

I won't let the enemy make me shrink back.

First move, my knees hit the floor.

It's time to pray.

Got to make sure that I am doing this God's way.

He made me a light,

It is true I am born to fight, but the battle is already won,

By the finished work of Jesus Christ, the risen son.

Nothing will stop me now, it's time to take ground. 

Armor must be put on properly, and doctrine must be sound. 

The enemy will not fight fair and we must keep that in mind. 

The dark kingdom will attack.

So as we advance forward, let us make sure that God's angels have got our back.

We have to be savvy, with eyes on Christ, with eyes on the target.

Face forward, no fear, remember the reason we are standing here. 

This isn't a game.

If we do this the Fathers' way, we will not be put to shame. 

Copyright Hayley Esther 2020

The Art Of Personal Conviction : Embracing The Power Of Faith

Posted by Hayley Esther on Tuesday, October 10, 2023

In a world filled with diverse ideologies and beliefs, personal conviction serves as a guiding force that shapes our character, choices, and purpose.
As a Christian, I have discovered the remarkable influence of personal conviction in deepening my faith and transforming my life. In this blog post, I invite you to explore the concept of personal conviction from a Christian perspective and discover the transformative power it holds.

What is Personal Conviction?

Personal conviction can be described as a deeply held belief that guides our thoughts, actions, and decisions. It arises from the core of our being, shaped by our values, experiences, and the principles we hold dear. In the context of Christianity, personal conviction is an unwavering commitment to live out God's truth, aligning our lives with His teachings and commandments.

The Source of Conviction: God's Word

As Christians, our personal convictions are rooted in the unchanging and timeless Word of God, the Bible. It serves as our ultimate source of truth, wisdom, and guidance, revealing God's character and His plan for humanity. Through the Scriptures, we gain insights into moral standards, purpose, and the values that shape our convictions. It is through the study and application of God's Word that our personal convictions are refined and strengthened.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

In addition to the Bible, the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in shaping our personal convictions. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, we are granted a divine counselor and guide. The Holy Spirit illuminates God's Word, provides discernment, and empowers us to live out our convictions. Through prayer, meditation, and cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit, our convictions become further anchored and fortified.

Living Out Our Convictions

Personal conviction should never be mere words or abstract beliefs; it demands action. As Christians, our faith compels us to live out our convictions with integrity and authenticity. It calls us to be salt and light in the world, demonstrating God's love, mercy, and justice in our interactions and endeavors. Our personal convictions should shape our relationships, work ethics, and societal contributions, reflecting the transformative power of Christ within us.

Challenges and Resilience

As we seek to live out our personal convictions, we may encounter challenges and opposition. The world may question or ridicule our beliefs, and we may face difficulty remaining steadfast in the face of adversity. However, personal conviction nurtures resilience, allowing us to stand firm in our faith. It fuels us to persevere, even when the path gets tough, knowing that our convictions are grounded in God's unchanging truth and love.

The Transformative Power of Conviction

When personal convictions are formed and lived out in alignment with God's Word, they can be transformative, not only in our own lives but in the lives of those around us as well. Our unwavering commitment to truth and righteousness can inspire and challenge others to seek a deeper relationship with God. Our actions and choices rooted in conviction become a testimony of God's power at work within us, leading to change and transformation in the lives of others.


Personal conviction holds profound significance for Christians, shaping our character, choices, and purpose. Grounded in God's Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit, personal conviction compels us to live out our faith authentically and impactfully. 

It empowers us to navigate challenges with resilience and embrace the transformative power of God's truth. As we embody our convictions, we become vessels of God's love, mercy, and grace, touching the lives of those around us and reflecting the beauty of a life devoted to Christ.

Embrace your personal conviction, and let it be a guiding force that propels you to live a life pleasing to God and impactful to others.

The Art Of Private Faith ( How To Be A Crystal Ops Christian)

Posted by Hayley Esther on Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Last post we talked about  leaving secret societies but we also highlighted how dangerous that is, so this post we're gonna talk about how to be private about your faith. 

Now before we start, I'm all for evangelism. You could even say this blog contains evangelistic content. but I also know that many of my readers don't have the privilege of being out and proud about their faith in a very public way. 

Hello persecuted church!

Firstly know we are praying for you, you are so inspiring to hold on to Jesus in circumstances that would cause most to waiver. 

Secondly, please don't feel guilt or shame over having to keep your mouth shut about your faith. We get it here. 

Maybe you are struggling with the whole concept of keeping your faith private, today I hope this post can ease some of the pain.

What Is a Crystal Ops Christian?

A crystal ops Christiaan is a person ascribing to the Christiaan faith but for whatever reason they do so in stealth. 

Usually this is down to two main reasons, either they have to in order to stay safe or fear has them trapped in silence. 

The first reason is the one we are condoning and giving our two cents on today.

Now, the fact is there is a lot of shame associated with this path of faith, it is common that well meaning Christians' try to force people to share their faith, sometimes though its just not wise.

We must always follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, sometimes He will lead us to speak up, be bold and possibly even die for our faith, other times He draws us to be silent.

We have been talking very openly about secret societies over the past few posts, so it's not going to come as a surprise that I have had seasons of silence myself.. 

 Members of the brotherhood may remember this 

'giving up my voice is my choice, its better than having it stolen' - Hayley Esther 

I clearly picked my voice back up in order to write this series, but the above statement is proof I have lived the silent seasons. 

It is incredibly lonely and painful to live with a gag on your mouth, to have the desire to speak up but because of safety reasons, and for the sake of wisdom you must remain silent. 

Sometimes, especially in the case of the underground church, your brothers and sisters in Christ are trusting you to stay stealth or you all  may be killed.

Sometimes there is wisdom in silence, that is the take away from today's post. 

So we have explored the why someone might choose to keep silent, now let's talk about how to do this and still keep a maintained strong faith.

5 Tips For Crystal Ops Christians To Practice Private Faith

1 Don't own the guilt! 
We touched on in briefly, but well meaning Christians' especially in the west will want you to stand up and be bold about your faith, possibly even die for it. Only do that if the Holy Spirit leads you to do so, never lean on the arm of flesh and deffinetly don't let Satan make you feel guilty about your situation, I promise you the God who made you  understands.

2. Keep Christ central to your world and you can't go far wrong.
Keep praying, keep reading what ever you can get of the word of God and keep taking your troubles to Jesus. You can do all of this in secret. 

Pro tip, if you live in a household where keeping your faith a secret is necessary, use the bathroom as your prayer closet. 

3. Develop a code with your loved ones. 
It's not always safe to talk about faith, so develop a code with your loved ones to help you talk about faith without getting caught. Trust me, it can be so freeing to talk about your faith this way. 

4. Learn self defence 
This will depend on the Holy Spirits leading, but sometimes having basic self defence training can save your life. It may not be your time to go home to heaven, and with self defence you're less likely to end up in trouble. 

5. Do what God tells you to do.
If He tells you to run for your own safety, then run! 
If He tells you to stay where you are and He will look after you there then believe Him. He won't steer you wrong.

I think that about covers it, the only other thing that I have to say is remember whatever happens to us its all about bringing God glory.

Hope Found Leaving Secret Societies (Even if you only can in your mind)

Posted by Hayley Esther on Sunday, September 10, 2023

This series just wouldn't be complete without this post. 

I've unveiled luciferinism, compared christo-lucifrinisim with biblical Christianity and told you how to escape dark enlightenment. 

Yet without being the crazy girl that actually cares about the people in secret societies, and sharing my message to said people, my soul won't let me move on. 

If you didn't know, my audience here on Daisy Change is incredibly diverse, and somewhere on the fringes of my subscribers', I have discovered a audience built of illuminati, freemasons, and other secret societies or societies with secrets, and not low level but high level partitioners of the dark arts and occult. I'm honored truly that something in my work sings to your soul. 

The thing is that it does slightly create a challenge for me having these individuals read my work, it means that when I write posts that are potent, traditional marketing and business advice just isn't going to fly for me. 

We all know how much I hate 'me to blogging' at the best of times, but you have no idea how challenging it is to promote a blog post like the ones I've written for my fringe audience. 

Yet my series still found them, evident by the fact that several of this audience have reached out to me.

Today I need to address a question 

How do you find hope if you are stuck in a secret society and wish to leave? 

Firstly I'm not judging how you got there, maybe you were born to it or maybe life stumbled you into it, either way if you are now feeling trapped in a secret society then my friend I can offer you a little hope.

Phyically leaving a secret society can be dangerous. It takes careful strategic planning and can be a gradual process, that you basically pull away over time, weather or not this is possible  depends on the level you are on, but regardless, Jesus Christ can meet you where you are and His blood can break any oath you may have made. 

Mentally leaving will require the removal of your means  of telepathy if you have had that done. This can be easily achieved by taking anti-psychotic medication that the doctor can subscribe to you. Its a secret but perfectly sane people use anti-psychotics to kill their gh telepathic abilities.

Less then one percent of my audience needs to worry about this, and I now likely look a little more crazy then I did at the start of this series, which is fine. I'm perfectly sane, just been through a lot which is likely why I can relate to my fringe audience so well. 

If you are not telepathic, then in the quietness of your own thoughts you can leave a secret society in your heart and it is the heart that matters. 

All you have to do is quietly promise yourself that you're leaving, and then let your heart completely disconnect from the outcome of your situation. 

This is done by simply looking your eyes in the mirror and taking a breath, promising yourself you will find a way out, even if for the foreseeable you have to fake it. 

You can even say to yourself, even if you are in for the rest of your life, you're out in your heart and that's your secret for one. Its quite profound. Don't guilt yourself for being in but out. Its understandable. Its a big decision and not an easy one.

Congratulations you! 

Now that you have made that decision feel free to contact me, confidentially ofcourse, I'm more then happy to give you more specific support, I successfully got away you can too. ( I used my genuine mental health concerns to get out and move away)  Just tell me rarity rocks and I will know you read this far. 

A Way out of Dark Enlightenment (Yes I know we're not suppose to talk about it but it's time someone did)

Posted by Hayley Esther on Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Ok, now we have the promised luciferinism posts out of the way Its time to tell my own story.
  I have had brushes with luciferinism, and in particular Christo luciferinism , but never considered myself anything other than a Christian universalist. (Check out my post on Christian universalism here) 

What I personally have gotten caught up in , in the past is new age /  progressive Christianity. So then, the next few posts will explain all this and how it relates to a certain secret society , and how I got free through the redemptive work of Jesus . 

Just so you know, as a side note being born to certain bloodlines does not mean you're condemned for eternity, anyone can turn to Jesus from any walk or bloodline. Yes including satanists. ( I'll get to addressing you soon ) 

Anyway I guess we should start by saying that I am a student of the occult and I don't think it conflicts with my faith in Jesus at all. 

I believe in knowing my enemy and I like to be able to answer questions I get.  (I would advise only mature believers, as in firm in your faith believers to take this road and only if holy spirit leads you to know your enemy the same way as I have been led, I know knowing this stuff is important for my calling but its not for everyone) 

I have read everything from "morals and dogma" by Albert pike, "the satanic scripture" , "the book of the law ", the works of Alice bailey and Helena Blavasky and the secret works of king Solomon to name but a few. 

This knowledge has armed me to see through the modern agenda the mainstream governments and world bodies are pushing. I also find it increasingly interesting to see how accurate the holy scriptures has been and is when it comes to the bible prophesies.

I believe the rapture is real, not long now folks, Jesus is coming back soon. Signs are every where if you know your bible. 

Anyway we are deep into this post,  and I have yet to address dark enlightment , let's fix that . 

Dark enlightment is for those that have reached the top of the pyramid only to find the light is pitch darkness. At first it's disappointing , then it's frustrating , then comes the shadow work, and here is where we find those terms and things we really aren't suppose to talk about lest being labeled mentally unstable. 

I have no problem with being considered crazy because I know I'm not alone in my experiences and I feel alone because no one ever talks about this stuff so I'm going to so that other people going through this won't feel so alone . 

Before I start , I'm gonna keep names of people anonymous so I have changed the names used to protect the people. Also I should mention, I'm on medication to help keep me stable. Maybe these experiences can be put down to a psychotic episode , or maybe they are of a more spiritual nature either way , I'm talking about this so that people won't feel so alone. 

According to Google these terms are searched thousands of times each month , but little is known on them or worse, these dangerous practices are encouraged. 

I Know I'm covered by the blood of Jesus , still I have to tread lightly here because we are now dealing with very dark practices. 

For that reason I'm only going to address six dark enlightenment practices. All are things I strongly advice staying away from unless like me , you get taken hostage by one of these things in your own body. If that's happened to you, then I'm gonna talk you through how to break free. 

1 Satanic Souls 

This is is when other people's human spirits attach themselves to you're body. You're dealing with high level occult partitioners and if this happens it is  usually accompanied by telepathy with the person connecting to you. This is high level satanism , the target of the human spirit is usually someone the person wants some sort of close relationship with. How it happens is quickly but the exact details I'm going to keep quite on .It feels like a lock on your heart and it's a almost itchy soul scratch heavy, black and unrepentant. Your soul feels vexed. 

Most people are incapable of cleansing a satanic soul but Jesus can so if this happens to you, cry out to him for help. 

It can be a shock if this happens as the person is revealing they are dark enlightened and therefore a satanist and true satanists hide in plain sight. 

2 Soul Mergers

If the victim of a human spirit is welcoming of the other person's soul , a soul merger may happen. 
That's where the two would become one in  in the bodies of the two people but unfortunately, this is a deception, you're actually merging with a demon, not smart. 

3 Soul Contracts 

These can allegedly occur before you're born but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about something less then one percent of you will get but this is how serious I am about changing , I'm talking about the soul contract that occurs when you take a certain mark that I like to call the thorn in the flesh. As I say I know for a fact that at least one person I'm sending this article to will know what I'm talking about . 

Guys it's a mistake , for starts Satan can't make good on anything he promises , even if in the short term it looks like he can. His goal is still to destroy you so that kind of soul contract is a mistake and as for the soul contract with the vril, not worth it but fortunately also breakable by the blood of Jesus . 

4 Twin Flames 

Transformers twin fake. 
Anyway, twin flames are a deception that even Christians can fall into. It's the idea that we have soul twins that we are meant to be with, and we get a second chance if you don't end up with that partner in this life, you will in the next life so don't worry about it. Load of rubbish. What you're actually connecting to is a soul tie with the person in question and this is dangerous because it can lead to spirit spouses. 

5 Spirit Spouses 

Spirit spouses are demons that sleep with their victim at night , among other things. I'm not going to go into much detail on this one because there actually is a fair bit of information out there. Just know that this is a bad idea to let it stand , it can cause nightmares. 

6 Telepathic Alliances 

Here's where I get to sound really crazy but I've experienced this in several ways. 
Firstly it sounded like a tape playing in my head, instructing me to do this and that . 

Then when that was removed it sounded clear as day like people I recognize talking in my head and this did include spirits . I would sometimes see angels / demons and hear them telepathically. 

This is the first people who know me reading this are learning I'm telepathic, so I will say this , yes I heard you plot "that" satanic ritual but what can I expected from the brotherhood?  

 I forgive you. 

Telepathic Alliance happens between two individuals that have both taken that mark we talked about earlier. It's not worth your soul and believe it not repentance is still possible. 

Again I remind you that all of this dark enlightment practice though well documented, could in my case have been down to mental concerns but if it is indeed of a spiritual nature, now you know you're not alone and it is possible to break free. 

Message me if you do experience these things , I'm happy to discuss further and help you get free . 
That's it for today 
Stay savvy sweetie love Hayley xxx 

Examining Christo Luciferinism through a Biblical Lens: A Critical Analysis

Posted by Hayley Esther on Tuesday, September 05, 2023
Examining Christo Luciferinism through a Biblical Lens: A Critical Analysis

In recent years, a belief system called Christo Luciferinism has gained attention, blending elements of Christianity and Luciferianism to create a unique spiritual path. However, when examining this philosophy from a biblical perspective, it becomes apparent that it raises concerns and contradicts the fundamental teachings of Christianity. In this blog post, we will critically analyze Christo Luciferinism through a biblical lens.

**The Nature of Lucifer**

Christo Luciferinism seeks to reinterpret Lucifer as a symbol of enlightenment and personal growth. However, the Bible portrays Lucifer as a fallen angel who rebelled against God's authority. In Isaiah 14:12-15, Lucifer is depicted as full of pride, desiring to exalt himself above God. The biblical narrative clearly portrays Lucifer as an enemy of God, not as a representation of inner light or freedom from oppressive structures.

By attempting to transform Lucifer into a positive symbol, Christo Luciferinism deviates from the biblical understanding and risks distorting the Christian faith.

**The Authority and Sovereignty of God**

Central to Christianity is the belief in the authority and sovereignty of God. The Bible emphasizes God's supreme power and wisdom, calling followers to submit to His will. In contrast, Christo Luciferinism encourages personal exploration and rebellion against societal constraints, promoting the pursuit of self-empowerment without due regard for God's authority.

The biblical narrative not only stresses the importance of seeking God's will but also warns against relying solely on personal knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 advises believers to trust in the Lord with all their hearts, acknowledging that human wisdom is limited in comparison to God's infinite knowledge.

**The Pursuit of Knowledge and Wisdom**

While Christo Luciferinism places great emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, it risks elevating human intellect above the divine wisdom revealed in the Bible. Although learning and gaining knowledge about the world and ourselves are valuable endeavors, Christianity teaches that true wisdom comes from fearing God and following His commandments (Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 1:7).

Christians are called to seek understanding through a biblical lens, ensuring that their pursuit of knowledge aligns with God's truth. The knowledge gained outside of this framework may lead to spiritual confusion or even contradict fundamental biblical principles.

**Ethical Considerations and Compassion**

While Christo Luciferinism claims to value compassion and empathy, the Christian faith provides a more comprehensive framework for ethical considerations. Christianity promotes the recognition and treatment of all humans as made in the image of God, emphasizing the importance of love, forgiveness, and selflessness (Matthew 22:37-40, Ephesians 4:32).

However, Christo Luciferinism tends to prioritize personal empowerment over the well-being of others. Without a solid ethical foundation rooted in biblical principles, it may lead to a subjective and self-serving code of conduct.


Upon examining Christo Luciferinism through a biblical lens, it becomes clear that this belief system diverges from fundamental Christian teachings. The reinterpretation of Lucifer, rebellion against God's authority, and the placing of human knowledge above divine wisdom undermine the core tenets of Christianity.

While recognizing the importance of personal exploration and growth, Christians should exercise caution in embracing belief systems that deviate from biblical truth. The teachings of the Bible provide believers with a comprehensive spiritual framework that emphasizes faith in God, submission to His authority, and the pursuit of wisdom grounded in His Word.