Why Change Fails Without God

Posted by Hayley Esther on Monday, January 20, 2025

Change is one of the few constants in life. Whether it's personal growth, career transitions, relationships, or broader societal shifts, the need to adapt and transform is ever-present. However, despite the best intentions, many efforts at change fail. Plans unravel, resolutions fade, and goals remain unmet. For Christians, the answer to why change so often fails lies in one profound truth: lasting change cannot succeed without God.

1. Human Effort Alone is Insufficient

Human beings are limited in wisdom, strength, and willpower. While motivation and planning are important components of change, relying solely on our own resources is like building a house on sand (Matthew 7:26-27). Without a solid foundation in God, change lacks the stability to endure the inevitable storms of life.

Scripture reminds us in Proverbs 3:5-6:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
When we exclude God from the process of change, we lean entirely on our own understanding, which is often flawed, limited, and short-sighted.


2. The Root of Transformation is Spiritual

Real, lasting change begins in the heart. Without addressing the deeper issues of sin, selfishness, and brokenness, any outward change is temporary at best. God is the one who transforms hearts and renews minds (Romans 12:2). Without Him, we may attempt to change behaviors but fail to address the root causes of the struggles we face.

For example, someone may try to change their anger problem by practicing breathing techniques or avoiding triggers. While these strategies may help for a time, the root issue—pride, unforgiveness, or unresolved pain—remains. Only through God’s power can the heart be transformed, leading to genuine and lasting change. Ezekiel 36:26 speaks of this transformation:
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."


3. Change Without Purpose is Directionless

One of the greatest pitfalls in pursuing change without God is a lack of eternal purpose. When we attempt change for superficial reasons—whether to gain approval, increase status, or simply achieve personal comfort—we miss the greater purpose for which we were created. God has a unique plan for each of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11), and when we surrender to His will, our efforts at change are aligned with His eternal purposes.

Without God, even successful changes can feel empty. We might achieve our goals but find ourselves asking, "What now?" True purpose and fulfillment come when our changes are part of God’s larger plan to glorify Him and serve others.


4. Pride Leads to Failure

Another reason change fails without God is that pride gets in the way. When we try to accomplish change on our own, we risk becoming self-reliant and prideful, believing that we are the ultimate source of our success. Proverbs 16:18 warns us:
"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."
Without the humility to seek God’s guidance, we are prone to making decisions that lead to failure, frustration, and even harm. God invites us to humble ourselves before Him, recognizing our dependence on His wisdom and strength.


5. God Provides Strength for Perseverance

Change is rarely easy. It often requires perseverance through challenges, setbacks, and opposition. Without God, we lack the strength to endure when the road gets tough. Isaiah 40:29-31 promises:
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

When we rely on our own strength, we burn out. But when we turn to God, He provides the endurance we need to press on. Through prayer, His Word, and the encouragement of His Spirit, we are reminded that His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).


6. Lasting Change Requires Grace

Without God, change becomes a relentless pursuit of perfection—a cycle of striving, failing, and feeling defeated. But God’s grace breaks this cycle. He doesn’t demand that we change in our own strength; instead, He offers the power of His Spirit to work within us. Philippians 2:13 tells us:
"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."

Grace not only enables us to change but also allows us to extend forgiveness to ourselves when we fall short. This frees us from the guilt and shame that can paralyze progress.


7. Community is Essential

God designed us to grow and change in community with others. When we exclude God from the process, we often isolate ourselves, believing we can handle everything alone. However, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 reminds us:
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up."
God calls us into relationships where we can support, encourage, and hold each other accountable. Without God, we miss the blessing of Christian fellowship, which strengthens us on our journey of change.


8. Change Without God Misses Eternal Impact

Finally, change without God is temporary and finite. While we may see improvements in our lives or circumstances, they will ultimately fade. Only changes rooted in God’s eternal purposes have lasting impact. When we invite God into our efforts to change, we align our lives with His Kingdom work, which has eternal significance.

Matthew 6:33 reminds us:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
By prioritizing God, we not only experience meaningful change in this life but also prepare for the life to come.



Change is not just about improving circumstances or reaching goals—it’s about transformation that glorifies God and reflects His work in our lives. Without God, change is superficial, fleeting, and often futile. But with God, change becomes a powerful testimony of His grace, strength, and purpose.

To experience lasting change, we must surrender our plans to Him, seek His guidance, and rely on His power to transform us from the inside out. As Jesus said in John 15:5:
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Real change begins and thrives when God is at the center. Let Him be your guide, your strength, and your foundation as you pursue transformation for His glory.

The Mistake of Manafesting

Posted by Hayley Esther on Wednesday, January 08, 2025
Manifesting: A Misguided Practice for Christians

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

When we are looking at clarity in our change management method it can be really tempting to use manafesting to get clear on what you want. This is dangerous and Ill adviced here's why. 

In recent years, the practice of "manifesting" has gained popularity in self-help circles and on social media. Manifesting, as commonly understood, involves visualizing one’s desires and believing that positive thoughts or energies can bring these desires into reality. While this may sound appealing, it raises significant concerns for Christians. Far from being harmless, manifesting is a practice that can subtly lead believers away from God’s truth and purpose.

The Roots of Manifesting

The concept of manifesting is often rooted in New Age philosophy, which borrows ideas from Eastern mysticism, the law of attraction, and various occult practices. These belief systems typically center on the idea that humans possess the power to shape their reality through thought or energy. By visualizing success, wealth, relationships, or health, proponents claim individuals can “attract” these things into their lives.

At its core, manifesting places the emphasis on human effort and control over circumstances. This directly conflicts with the biblical understanding of God’s sovereignty and the Christian’s dependence on Him.

Biblical Contradictions

1. God’s Sovereignty
Manifesting assumes that individuals can control their destiny through their own will or positive energy. Scripture, however, teaches that God alone is sovereign over creation. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” To believe that we can dictate the course of our lives undermines our reliance on God and His perfect will.

2. The Danger of Self-Centeredness
Manifesting often promotes a self-focused mindset, prioritizing personal desires over God’s purpose. Yet, Jesus calls His followers to deny themselves and take up their cross daily (Luke 9:23). The Christian life is not about fulfilling our every desire but about seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

3. Prayer vs. Manifestation
Manifesting blurs the line between prayer and manipulation. While prayer involves humbly bringing our requests before God and submitting to His will, manifesting seeks to impose our own will. The Bible warns against treating God like a vending machine or seeking methods to manipulate Him for personal gain.

4. Idolatry of the Self
Manifesting can lead to idolizing one’s own desires and abilities. Romans 1:25 speaks of those who “exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.” When we place our trust in our own power to manifest outcomes, we risk placing ourselves in God’s rightful position as the ultimate authority.

Spiritual Consequences

Engaging in manifesting may seem harmless, but it opens the door to spiritual deception. By embracing principles rooted in New Age and occult philosophies, Christians risk compromising their faith. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we are in a spiritual battle against forces of darkness. Practices like manifesting can subtly lead believers away from the truth of the gospel and into spiritual confusion.

What Christians Should Do Instead

1. Trust God’s Will
Christians are called to trust in God’s plan, even when it doesn’t align with our desires. Proverbs 3:5-6 instructs us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

2. Pray for Guidance
Instead of attempting to manifest outcomes, believers should pray for God’s wisdom and direction. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to present our requests to God with thanksgiving and trust that His peace will guard our hearts and minds.

3. Seek Contentment in Christ
True contentment comes not from achieving worldly success but from abiding in Christ. As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11-13, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation... I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

4. Discernment in Spiritual Practices
Christians must exercise discernment and evaluate practices against the truth of Scripture. If a practice contradicts God’s Word or leads us away from Him, we must reject it, no matter how popular it may be.


Manifesting may appear enticing, offering control and success through positive thinking. However, for Christians, it is a dangerous deviation from faith in God. As followers of Christ, our focus should remain on seeking God’s will, trusting in His sovereignty, and surrendering our desires to Him. By doing so, we honor God and find true peace and fulfillment in His plan for our lives.

Let us remember the words of Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” True hope and fulfillment come not from manifesting, but from walking in faithful obedience to our Creator.

The Daisy Change Method - Clarity

Posted by Hayley Esther on Friday, December 27, 2024
I've given this a lot of thought and prayer. I've decided to take you through the Daisy Change Method which is our signature art of change management program, here in this blog. 

As the year comes to a close, you may be thinking about the year ahead. Starting to plan for what's coming and think about what you want in life. December is often a month of reflection. 

With that in mind let's get started on our art of change management process. 

First we need to get really clear on what we want and where we are going. 

Here are 12 questions to answer for yourself as the year closes. 

1. What have I learnt over the last year? 
2. How have I growen over the last year? 
3. What would I change about the last year? 
4. Who do I think I am now? 
5. What needs to change over the coming year? 
6. What creative solutions can I see for the changes needed in the coming year? 
7. How am I going to go about implementing this change? 
8. What are my skill gaps? 
9. How can I fill those gaps this coming year? 
10. What am I committed to this coming year?
11. What hurts? 
12. How can I heal? 

These questions are designed to help you get really clear on where you are , where you have been and where you are going. 

If you were sat in a mentoring session with me, I'd walk you through these questions one by one over a few sessions. There's a lot here and so we have to remember it's not a race, we can work at our own pace. 

Journal the answers to these questions down by hand if you can. They will really help you gain clarity on your current state. 

If you need help feel free to email me on my personal contact.

Or head over to Instagram @daisychangeuk 

Here's to finishing the year strong and building a better future. 

A Crash Course In Christianity

Posted by Hayley Esther on Monday, December 23, 2024

Today we are going to have a crash course in Christianity 
Why do this? Because apparently my audience want it. 

You're welcome. 

A Crash Course in Christianity: What You Need to Know

Christianity is one of the world’s largest religions, with over 2 billion followers across the globe. Whether you’re curious about its teachings or want a refresher, this crash course will walk you through the essentials of Christianity, explained from a Christian perspective.


What Is Christianity?

At its core, Christianity is a faith centered on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in one God who reveals Himself as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—this is known as the Trinity.

The Bible, Christianity’s sacred text, is divided into two parts:

1. The Old Testament – The Hebrew Scriptures, telling the story of creation, the fall of humanity, and God’s covenant with Israel.

2. The New Testament – The story of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the growth of the early Church.


The Story of Christianity

Creation and the Fall

Christianity begins with the belief that God created the world and declared it good. However, humanity chose to rebel against God (this event is called “The Fall”), introducing sin and brokenness into the world.

God’s Plan for Redemption

The Old Testament outlines God’s plan to rescue humanity through a chosen people, Israel, and the promise of a Messiah—a Savior who would restore humanity’s relationship with God.

The Life of Jesus Christ

1. Birth: Christians believe Jesus is God in human form, born to the Virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. Ministry: Jesus taught about God’s Kingdom, performed miracles, and called people to repentance and faith.

3. Death and Resurrection: Jesus was crucified, taking the punishment for sin upon Himself. Three days later, He rose from the dead, demonstrating His victory over sin and death.

The Early Church

After Jesus ascended into heaven, His followers, known as Apostles, spread the message of salvation. Despite persecution, the early Church grew rapidly, fueled by the belief that Jesus was alive and working through His people.


Key Beliefs of Christianity

The Trinity

Christians believe in one God who exists as three persons:

God the Father (Creator),

God the Son (Jesus, the Savior), and

God the Holy Spirit (the guide and sustainer of faith).

Salvation by Grace

A cornerstone of Christian faith is that salvation is a gift from God. Humans cannot earn it through good works; it’s freely given through Jesus’ sacrifice.

The Church

The Church is not just a building—it’s the global community of believers. It serves as a place for worship, teaching, and mutual support.

The Sacraments

Many Christian traditions observe sacraments, sacred rituals like:

Baptism: Symbolizing a new life in Christ.

Communion (Eucharist): Remembering Jesus’ sacrifice through bread and wine.


How Christians Live Out Their Faith


Worship is central to Christianity, including practices like prayer, singing, and reading the Bible.

Living a Moral Life

Jesus taught His followers to love God and love others. Christians strive to live by these principles, guided by teachings such as:

The Ten Commandments.

The Sermon on the Mount.

Sharing the Gospel

Many Christians see it as their mission to share the message of Jesus with others and serve those in need.


The Big Picture: Christian Denominations

While all Christians share the same foundational beliefs, there are different branches within Christianity, including:

Catholicism: Emphasizes tradition, the sacraments, and the Pope’s authority.

Protestantism: Focuses on Scripture alone as the ultimate authority.

Orthodoxy: Known for its rich liturgical tradition and emphasis on mystical worship.


The Christian Hope

The Return of Christ

Christians believe Jesus will return to judge the world and establish a renewed creation.

Eternal Life

The ultimate hope of Christianity is eternal life with God—a promise for all who trust in Jesus.


Final Thoughts

Christianity is a faith built on the love of God and His desire to redeem humanity. Its message is simple yet profound: God offers salvation to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ.

If this sparks your curiosity, consider exploring further by reading the Bible, praying, or connecting with a local Christian community. The journey is worth it.

A Christmas Stripped back

Posted by Hayley Esther on Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Published from Blogger Prime Android AppA Christmas stripped back.
For many of you Christmas is not a easy thing to celebrate. You're in hiding and there for unable to do the festive dance of Christmas without serious risk.

I want to be sensitive to that audience but at the same time acknowledge the holiday for those of you who do celebrate it. 

Happy holidays to one and all reading this right now. 

To those of you for one reason or another who are crystal ops right now. Well done for holding your position when all about you is tempting to break cover. You can do this. 

You have what it takes to be strong in the face of weakness. When you feel that strength is gone remember God can carry you if you ask Him. Your situation may not change but He will be your strength to get through it if you ask Him. 

Praying for you, 

Stay savvy sweetie love Hayley 

From Polished to Persecuted - Our new direction

Posted by Hayley Esther on Sunday, December 01, 2024

 Having reviewed my stats I can see that most of you following this blog are not OG.

So when I refer back to posts I've done, its your first time reading them.

This is freeing because it means I can move on from the last era of blogging and bring you fresh new content that is designed for the audience I now have. 

This blog aims to serve, we have had several topic shifts in the past and im happy to shift again.

What I need to know is what do you want? 

I'm looking at my audience and I have some idea of what you need but to do this im going to have to shift again.

See, most of you live in eastern countries and I am a westerner. I can and have written content for the east but im very aware that you need different things then we do in the west. 

In order to serve the audience I now have, I think we need to take things back to where Daisy Change originally started , mental health and faith, Christian faith. 

Not the shiny packaged faith of contempery christianity, but the grittier real soulwrenching faith that is going to get you through what you are facing.

I know that most of you reading this are in a situation where you don't have the luxury of being out and proud about your faith in Jesus. You are facing some very real dangers.

I want to be sensitive to that audience, so from now on we build you up so you can face the day. 

To the persecuted church reading this, thank you for trusting me. I will work hard to ensure the posts going forward are sensitive to your needs. 

To any westerners reading this, the content will still be for you, but with that sensitive slant on it for our persecuted brothers and sisters in eastern countries.

We're going back to authentic faith.

Let's go!