The Mistake of Manafesting
The Daisy Change Method - Clarity
As the year comes to a close, you may be thinking about the year ahead. Starting to plan for what's coming and think about what you want in life. December is often a month of reflection.
With that in mind let's get started on our art of change management process.
First we need to get really clear on what we want and where we are going.
Here are 12 questions to answer for yourself as the year closes.
1. What have I learnt over the last year?
2. How have I growen over the last year?
3. What would I change about the last year?
4. Who do I think I am now?
5. What needs to change over the coming year?
6. What creative solutions can I see for the changes needed in the coming year?
7. How am I going to go about implementing this change?
8. What are my skill gaps?
9. How can I fill those gaps this coming year?
10. What am I committed to this coming year?
11. What hurts?
12. How can I heal?
These questions are designed to help you get really clear on where you are , where you have been and where you are going.
If you were sat in a mentoring session with me, I'd walk you through these questions one by one over a few sessions. There's a lot here and so we have to remember it's not a race, we can work at our own pace.
Journal the answers to these questions down by hand if you can. They will really help you gain clarity on your current state.
If you need help feel free to email me on my personal contact.
Or head over to Instagram @daisychangeuk
Here's to finishing the year strong and building a better future.
A Crash Course In Christianity
A Christmas Stripped back
For many of you Christmas is not a easy thing to celebrate. You're in hiding and there for unable to do the festive dance of Christmas without serious risk.
I want to be sensitive to that audience but at the same time acknowledge the holiday for those of you who do celebrate it.
Happy holidays to one and all reading this right now.
To those of you for one reason or another who are crystal ops right now. Well done for holding your position when all about you is tempting to break cover. You can do this.
You have what it takes to be strong in the face of weakness. When you feel that strength is gone remember God can carry you if you ask Him. Your situation may not change but He will be your strength to get through it if you ask Him.
Praying for you,
Stay savvy sweetie love Hayley
From fear to faith - free course
From Polished to Persecuted - Our new direction
Having reviewed my stats I can see that most of you following this blog are not OG.
So when I refer back to posts I've done, its your first time reading them.
This is freeing because it means I can move on from the last era of blogging and bring you fresh new content that is designed for the audience I now have.
This blog aims to serve, we have had several topic shifts in the past and im happy to shift again.
What I need to know is what do you want?
I'm looking at my audience and I have some idea of what you need but to do this im going to have to shift again.
See, most of you live in eastern countries and I am a westerner. I can and have written content for the east but im very aware that you need different things then we do in the west.
In order to serve the audience I now have, I think we need to take things back to where Daisy Change originally started , mental health and faith, Christian faith.
Not the shiny packaged faith of contempery christianity, but the grittier real soulwrenching faith that is going to get you through what you are facing.
I know that most of you reading this are in a situation where you don't have the luxury of being out and proud about your faith in Jesus. You are facing some very real dangers.
I want to be sensitive to that audience, so from now on we build you up so you can face the day.
To the persecuted church reading this, thank you for trusting me. I will work hard to ensure the posts going forward are sensitive to your needs.
To any westerners reading this, the content will still be for you, but with that sensitive slant on it for our persecuted brothers and sisters in eastern countries.
We're going back to authentic faith.
Let's go!